Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where have I been?

The last post I was going to send got eaten by blogger. I had taken an hour to write it....I have a lot of problems getting the text and the pictures to work without big gaps of space between the images and the text. So I threw up my hands and said that is it....I am going to tumblr. But after many unsuccessful trys to get a tumblr template to look like a site that says Linda I gave up on that also....I wanted colored text...you all know how I am adverse to black type and we could not find any template that would let me do colored text. So Gary says we need to find someone to design it for me that can write code.....so I am back to blogger. Gary did post my owl ornaments on my site recently. 
So my new posts are going to mostly images with little words...Gary says everyone just wants to see images anyway so hopefully I will be blogging more in the next weeks.
So here goes. We have a new kid in our house Mr. Dexter, my daughter’s new kitten. It lives in her room, is very cute and bouncy. Miss Sophie, our 12 year old cat, watches him through a plexiglass window in a piece of cardboard Gary made for the door. Miss Sophie has not welcomed him with open arms...she has not killed him yet but when she does see him she sounds like she will.
So here is Dexter and Miss Sophie.


  1. My ovaries exploded from the cute.

  2. Cute kitty! Hang in there, Miss Sophie.

    I do not like the way Blogger handles images, either... in fact, it drives me batty. I copy the code out and clean it up in a text editor, if I have time. But Blogger's code is excessively complex so that isn't easy to do.

  3. Is that Sophie with the remnants of her last kill?
