Monday, June 6, 2011

Can you do a shrimp baby card?

Recently my rep emailed me with a request from Calipso cards asking if I could design a shrimp baby card.  Now if you follow trends you know that sea life like octopuses and squids are gaining popularity but a shrimp? I said I would give it a go although I had no clue what I would do. So I went to Google and looked at shrimp images...and I made the connection...I could curve them like a heart and put the baby in the middle. So once I had the design in mind actually doing the artwork was a snap. The design was well received and when I showed it to my colleague DB Dowd he said “Damn you made the shrimps look like a male and a that is something. So here is the card with my new ladybug card.


  1. Love the shrimp card. Great work Linda!

  2. I love the shrimp family. You really did manage to make them look male & female. That can't be easy!
